SLA Embrace

Last updated: 1 juli 2024
Service Level Agreement


1.1 Purpose of the SLA

  1. This SLA forms the complete set of agreements for the management and maintenance of the current applications provided by Embrace to your organization (hereinafter referred to as: Client), as described in the offer (s). This SLA lays down the qualitative and quantitative agreements with regard to this management and maintenance.
  2. The description consists of a definition of indicators (the Service levels) that are important to the Client in view of (the quality of) its business operations. The relevant indicators are measurable and can be influenced by Embrace.
  3. Each indicator includes the associated standards that Embrace must meet to guarantee the agreed level of service to the Client.
  4. In order to keep Embrace's services up to date and appropriate, Embrace reserves the right to change this SLA every six months, every year as of 1 January and 1 July. For example, the latest version of this SLA is effective at the time of expiration of the aforementioned data. Embrace will announce any changes to this SLA that have a material adverse effect on our website at least 30 days in advance, with the Client having the right (within 30 days) to reject this change and terminate the agreement with Embrace. The Client can view the most current version of this SLA and related terms and conditions on this website at any time.

1.2 Definitions

  1. Where the following terms are used in this SLA, they should be assigned the meaning set out herein
EquipmentAll hardware needed to keep the Application operational;
ApplicationThe Software as modified and set up for the Client;
Accessibility hoursThe hours Monday through Friday between 08:00 and 18:00, excluding public holidays; as set out in article 3 of the General Terms Act.
BugA bug is an error in an Application or Link on the Embrace side, as a result of which it does not (entirely) fulfill its function according to specifications;
servicesThe work described in this agreement that will be carried out by Embrace under this agreement, including performance to be provided;
servicesThe documentation to be provided and/or maintained by Embrace for the Client associated with the work to be provided;
Fair Use Policy (FuP)Fair use is a term that translates as “reasonable use of the services by the Client”, and the fair use policy is the policy used to monitor this;
HotfixAn urgent change that cannot wait for the next release, but requires an urgent change;
ICT infrastructureThe Equipment and Software together;
IncidentAn event that disrupts the agreed operation of the Application;
ClutchesThe connections between various Applications from both Embrace and third parties as referred to in section 2.4;
Coupling surfacesThe web services or APIs that are available within Embrace or within a Supplier's Application;
MaintenanceActivities as referred to in section 2.3 that Embrace performs or has carried out on the hosting, Software, the Application, the Links and the customization used for the Application;
Dissolution timeThe time lapse in which Embrace resolves the Incident, measured from the time Embrace has accepted the Incident (Response Time). This concerns the net resolution time: the time that the ticket is awaiting a response from the customer or is parked is not included;
OTAPThe abbreviation OTAP stands for development, testing, acceptance and production. It is a method for developing Application. In a development environment, the OTAP development street, the four phases mentioned are completed;
Embrace StaffPersonnel to be engaged by Embrace for the execution of this agreement, who will work under its responsibility to execute this agreement;
IssueAn unknown cause of one or more Incidents;
SoftwareThe standard software from which the Application and the website have been configured, including associated Documentation;
Response timeThe time lapse, which starts when the Incident is reported to Embrace, and stops when Embrace reports the resolution direction and Resolution Time;
Ticket SystemHelpdesk software where all Problems, Change Requests and Incidents must be reported. Reachable at:;
SuppliersSuppliers are parties that deliver Applications to the Client, with whom Embrace links;
Improvement planThe entire analysis and measures, as referred to in section 3.8, prepared by Embrace to resolve Service Levels deviations, security deficiencies and other service deficiencies;
Client representatives:The persons provided by the Client for the purpose of this agreement who will work under its responsibility to execute this agreement;
Progress ReportThe report that Embrace prepares for the Client about the SLA, see article 5.1;
QuestionA request for information from the Client about the operation of the Application or the options for adjusting it;
Working hoursHours Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., excluding public holidays;
Change Request (RFC, Wish)A request submitted by the client for a potential improvement/change of the application. For procedure, see article 3.3.


2.1 Scope van de dienstverlening

  1. In dit hoofdstuk wordt nader ingegaan op de dienstverlening welke onder de SLA valt. Embrace stelt capaciteit beschikbaar voor het beheer en onderhoud van de Applicaties.
  2. Embrace zal zich inspannen om de door haar gebruikte software up-to-date te houden. Embrace is hierbij echter afhankelijk van haar leverancier(s). Embrace is gerechtigd bepaalde updates of patches niet te installeren als dit naar haar oordeel een correcte levering van de Applicatie niet ten goede komt of indien het niet installeren dit naar haar oordeel niet ten nadele komt van de levering van de Applicatie.

2.2 Te leveren diensten beheer

  1. Om het beheer, zoals genoemd onder 2.1, uit te voeren worden de volgende, door Embrace te leveren, diensten gedefinieerd:
Services to be provideddescription
Helpdesk• Handling Incidents, Problems and Questions;
Incident Management
  • Registering, managing and dealing with Incidents. Notifications are recorded and managed using a ticket system;
  • Analyzing Incidents;
  • Performing proactive management.
Problem Management
  • Identifying, registering, managing Problems;
  • Analyzing and resolving Problems.
Service Level Management
  • Controlling and controlling the quality and quantity of the service provided based on the agreed standards/KPIs.

2. Embrace has the right to temporarily decommission its Application or parts thereof for the purpose of maintaining, modifying or improving it, and/or maintaining, adapting or improving the associated software or other facilities. Embrace makes every effort to allow such decommissioning to take place outside office hours as much as possible and to inform the Client in good time of the planned decommissioning.

3. In the event that Embrace believes that decommissioning the Application - whether or not during office hours - is necessary for the proper functioning of the Application, it is entitled to discontinue the Application immediately without prior notice to the Client. However, Embrace is never obliged to pay any compensation for damage in connection with such decommissioning.

2.3 Te leveren diensten onderhoud

  1. Om het onderhoud, zoals genoemd onder 2.1, uit te voeren worden de volgende, door Embrace te leveren, diensten gedefinieerd
Te leveren dienstenOmschrijving
Release management
  • Het samenstellen van de releasekalender;
  • Het vastleggen en inplannen van Wijzigingsverzoeken;
  • Het bewaken en evalueren van de uitvoering van de verzoeken;
  • Het installeren van releases van de standaard Applicatie, zoals beschreven in artikel 4;
Versiebeheer & - distributie
  • Het beheren van versies in productie-, ontwikkel, test- en acceptatieomgeving;
Impact analyse
  • Het ondersteunen bij het inschatten van de impact van een release voor het werkproces van Opdrachtgever;
  • Het uitvoeren van een wijzigingsopdracht volgens ontwerp bij Maatwerk;
  • Het aanpassen van de Documentatie;
Acceptatietest ondersteuning
  • Het ondersteunen van de functionele acceptatietest;
  • Het herstellen van testbevindingen;

2. Embrace heeft het recht om haar Applicatie of gedeelten daarvan tijdelijk buiten gebruik te stellen ten behoeve van onderhoud, aanpassing of verbetering daarvan, en of onderhoud, aanpassing of verbetering van de bijbehorende programmatuur of andere faciliteiten. Embrace spant zich in dergelijke buitengebruikstellingen zoveel mogelijk buiten kantooruren te laten plaatsvinden en Opdrachtgever tijdig op de hoogte te stellen van de geplande buitengebruikstelling.

3. In het geval dat Embrace van mening is dat een buitengebruikstelling van de Applicatie – al dan niet tijdens kantooruren – noodzakelijk is voor de goede werking van de Applicatie, is zij gerechtigd de Applicatie per direct buiten gebruik te stellen zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving aan Opdrachtgever. Embrace is echter nooit gehouden tot enige vergoeding van schade in verband met zodanige buitengebruikstelling.

2.4 Manage links

  1. In order for the Links between Embrace Applications and Third-Party Applications to work (and keep them working) optimally, the following agreements and efforts have been defined:
  • The necessary Links between Embrace and Suppliers' Applications will be further specified in working agreements if necessary;
  • Embrace is responsible for the quality and functioning of the Interfaces from the products supplied by and through it. This means that each link made available must be able to be tested and validated by means of validation schemes (WSDL/XML) Embrace expects the same guarantee and commitment from all suppliers involved with regard to the quality and functioning of the Links;
  • Embrace reports Incidents with links with an urgent or high priority to the Client if it appears that (part of) the cause lies with Suppliers. In doing so, Embrace provides the Client/Suppliers with all available options about a possible solution to the Incident. Joint agreements may have been made and can be found in the communication and work agreements between Supplier and Embrace;
  • Embrace reports to Suppliers per ticket, unless otherwise agreed in the communication matrix;
  • Embrace monitors the progress of reported Incidents with Suppliers. The Supplier remains responsible for the solution and speed of resolution.
  • When reporting to a Supplier, Embrace creates a ticket within the Ticket System, giving the Client insight into the ticket;
  • The Client is responsible for mandating Embrace towards Suppliers. If the Client wants Embrace to act as a delegated client towards Suppliers, it must take the necessary steps towards Suppliers herself;
  • Involved Suppliers and Embrace provide each other with the necessary and correct information in a timely manner in the event of changes to Koppelvlakken.
    1. Ultimately, the Client remains responsible for the speed of resolution, deployment and quality of interfaces and applications from the suppliers involved. To do this, the Client must make the necessary agreements himself. The agreements in this SLA only apply to Embrace's Applications and Interfaces. Embrace is not responsible for the test environments of Suppliers' applications. Visually shown:

2.5 Browsers

  1. The Application works within supported web browsers and other platforms, including: Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE (version 11). The (complete) functionality cannot be guaranteed with another web browser or platform.
  2. The Client must always have the most recent available version of the web browser and/or platform installed.
  3. Supported web browsers and platforms may change with future releases. This change will be announced in the release notes.


3.1 Helpdesk

    1. All service reports (Incidents, Change Requests, and Questions) are submitted via the ticket system (
Helpdesk accessibility
AccessibilityOn weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Ticket Systemto be submitted 24/7/365

3.2 Incident and Problem Management

The Client will inform Embrace about this via the helpdesk immediately after the discovery of an Incident.

  1. Classification of Incidents is done by the Client, but can be adjusted in consultation. The costs of resolving Incidents within Embrace Software fall under the user license purchased by the Client. Embrace is responsible for bundling Incidents into a Problem in a structured way and proactively preventing a problem within the Software.
  2. Corrective maintenance is the restorative and reactive maintenance of the Application outside of Incidents that is carried out after the Client has detected a Problem in the standard software.
  3. Embrace provides information about the status of reported Incidents via its Ticket System (Zendesk).

3.3 Change management

Client is responsible for submitting a clear description of the Change Request (an RFC). This change request can be submitted via the user group or Zendesk. Embrace will assess the RFC, which is why it has a change process that is used. The following is being tested:

  • whether the RFC is in line with Embrace's vision;
  • whether the RFC is technically feasible;
  • whether the RFC benefits customers;
  • whether the RFC affects security, privacy and other relevant aspects.

After the RFC has been treated, feedback will follow.

3.4 Service Level Management

  1. The SLA is maintained under the responsibility of the manager of Embrace's service organization.
  2. On request, Embrace reports in accordance with article 5.
  3. Parties evaluate the Progress Report annually upon request;
  4. The Progress Report may lead to an Improvement Plan, as referred to in article 3.7.
  5. The status of ongoing reports is visible within Embrace's ticket system.

3.5 Priority determination

  1. Classification of Incidents is done by the Client, using the table below, but can be adjusted by Embrace. If a classification is updated, Embrace will inform the Client about this in good time. Embrace is committed to bundling Incidents into a Problem in a structured way and to proactively prevent Problems within the Software.
ProcessThe entire process is at a standstill, there is no workaroundProcess can continue, but with significantly delaying workaroundProcess can go on, there is a good workaroundProcess can continue, no workaround necessary

2. The response and resolution time per priority are:

PriorityResponse timeNet resolution time
Urgent2 working hours4 working hours
High4 working hours12 working hours
normal8 working hours5 business days
Layer16 working hours1 month

3. Support availability hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding national holidays. They can handle a high percentage of tickets. It is possible that help is needed from the delivery or product team. The guaranteed working hours of these teams are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

4. Embrace gets the opportunity from the Client to log into the available customer environments with the necessary rights, so that Embrace can carry out work during an Incident. Any delays associated with gaining access to the Embrace environments fall outside the resolution times specified by Embrace within this SLA.

3.6 Staff

  1. Parties are responsible for deploying employees who have such knowledge, skills and tools that they can carry out work at the required quality level.
  2. For the Client, this means that the persons who operate the delivered Applications have knowledge of how the Applications work, so that Embrace's service department does not have to answer substantive questions about the functional functioning of the Application.
  3. For Embrace, it means that the persons who develop, implement or manage the delivered Applications have sufficient experience and expertise to ensure the quality, continuity and security of the Application.

3.7 Improvement Plan

  1. Embrace draws up an Improvement Plan if the evaluation shows that Embrace does not provide the agreed service. The Improvement Plan is assessed by the Client and approved or substantiated. In case of rejection, Embrace will adjust the Improvement Plan until the Client approves the Improvement Plan. The Improvement Plan does not affect the (other) rights that the Client has in connection with the failure to provide the agreed service. The Improvement Plan must be drawn up SMART.
  2. Embrace then implements the Improvement Plan in accordance with agreements. This Improvement Plan, which includes a problem analysis as an integral part, can relate to the execution of technical management processes as well as Embrace's Application Maintenance and development activities. The period within which the measures of an Improvement Plan must be implemented is three months, unless otherwise agreed.
  3. Embrace keeps the Client informed on a monthly basis about the progress of the Improvement Plan. During consultation, the Client and Embrace may also propose additional measures.

3.8 Financial penalty

  1. If no structural improvements are visible after implementation of the Improvement Plan, Embrace will refund the costs charged for the SLA for the period in which the agreements have not been met.


4.1 Release management

  1. New releases of the Application are provided with release notes documenting changes and innovations. Embrace is testing changes to the released release. This step is an integral part of the development process.
  2. Embrace makes the release available on the Client's test environment. The Client then accepts the release made available through a test procedure to be completed by the Client.

4.2 Releases Application

  1. When a new release of the Application is ready, it will be released. The latest release includes new features, bug fixes, and security fixes. For environments that are hosted from Embrace, we ensure that the environment is updated to the latest version of our Application.
  2. Embrace provides the Client with its own test and/or acceptance environment. These environments will be provided with the new release as soon as possible. To do this, Embrace must have access to the Client's environments. After a new release has been tested and approved, we export the new release to the production environment.
  3. The costs for the latest Release that Embrace executes are specified in the quote issued, these costs apply as long as the Application remains up to date. This means that the environment is no more than 2 releases behind the latest official release of our Application. If Embrace decides to skip a release, this version will not be counted. Any costs associated with the use of project management/consultancy to carry out the update will be agreed with the Client in advance for approval.
  4. If no offer has been issued, a quote will be issued if the Client wishes a new release.
  5. If the Client has decided not to upgrade and is therefore more than two releases behind the latest version, Embrace will of course also provide service and support, as far as possible.
  6. If Client wishes, Embrace can provide additional support to guide the Client's organization in using the new release. Embrace charges this in advance based on estimated hours spent and any travel time.
  7. Releases of other required software and components are rolled out in conjunction with releases of the Application, unless they are hotfixes.

4.3 Distribution Management

  1. Embrace is responsible for the distribution of:
    • Releases of the Applications supplied by Embrace;
    • Documentation related to the changes;
    • Installation on the test environment at the Client.
  2. Embrace will make every effort to achieve the backwards compatibility of links within the releases. However, it may be necessary to update Links in order to use new functionality.


5.1 Measurable Service Indicators

  1. The measurable service indicators included in this SLA will be reported. The measurement takes place continuously, the report is available every six months:
    • Based on the past period in months;
    • Cumulatively based on periods in the current year.
  2. Measurable service indicators are:
    • Number of tickets grouped by Incident, Question, RFC by priority;
    • Response time;
    • Resolution time.
  3. The Client must himself check the calculations or processing of customer data made by the Application. Embrace does not guarantee that all calculations and/or processing are error-free at all times.

5.2 Reporting structure

Assignment managementQuarterlyProgress reporting of agreed Service Levels
Helpdesk via ticket systemContinuouslyOutstanding and handled Incidents are visible within the ticket system (pending incidents status, classifications and additional information)


6.1 Availability

  1. Embrace has a 99.9% availability guarantee per calendar year. Embrace's responsibility for availability, as set out in this SLA, does not apply in the event of a failure if:
  • planned work is being carried out;
  • the failure occurs in the Client's telecommunications infrastructure;
  • a failure is caused by a requested change from the Client;
  • a failure is caused by unauthorized changes by Client staff to Embrace's equipment;
  • force majeure (see terms and conditions).

  • 2. For services, at one location or multiple locations, availability (A) is calculated as follows: A = 100% * [1 — (t: T)]. t = the number of minutes that the service was unavailable during the year (service failure). T = total number of minutes per year.
  • 3. Embrace can set a limit on the amount of data traffic, storage and server capacity that the Client may or can actually use via the Service. If the Parties have not made any agreements about this, a fair use limit applies.
  • 4. In any case, there is no longer fair use if the Client uses more than a maximum of twice as much data traffic and storage as other customers of the Contractor would do in a similar situation.

6.2 Workspace and Customers: Backup by Embrace

  1. Embrace is responsible for keeping the Workspace and Customers Application and the OS of the hosting environment up to date; control of this is ensured within Embrace's management process. A full backup is made once a day.
  2. The hard drives are backed up to a physically different server.
  3. The backup will be stored for the following period: 30 calendar days.
  4. Client can request Embrace to make data from the backup available. If appropriate, the Client and Embrace will jointly make further agreements about the recovery procedure to be used. If appropriate, billing for the recovery procedure by Embrace will be made on the basis of subsequent calculation. This will be indicated in advance by Embrace.
  5. In addition to this backup, our environments are usually replicated every 5 minutes, which can take over the production environment in the event of a failure, thereby further securing availability.

6.3 Workspace and Customers: Hosting by Embrace

  1. The Workspace and Customers environments are managed by Exception IT in the QTS data center at the Zernike Complex in Groningen with one of the highest measured availability rates in the Netherlands (99.9999% since 2001). Critical components have been executed at least N+1. This way, at least one backup component is always available if a critical component does not work. In addition, we use dedicated hosting on a virtual platform with sufficient overcapacity. This ensures the continuity of the virtual environments in the event of a possible hardware failure.
  2. Upon request, additional backups or replications can be located at an external location in the NorthC data center at the Westpoort business park in Groningen.
  3. Access to servers is limited to Exception IT and Embrace employees. Control over this is ensured within Embrace's management process.

6.4 Workspace and Customers: Hosting by Microsoft Azure

  1. The following components of the Workspace application are hosted, if applicable, within Microsoft Azure in the Netherlands:
  • Personal documents (not applicable to Microsoft 365 1-on-1 integration)
  • Group documents (not applicable to Microsoft 365 1-on-1 integration)
  • User, group, and page avatars
  • Header images of users and groups
  • The Elasticsearch index
  1. The following components of the Customers application, if applicable, are hosted within Microsoft Azure in the Netherlands:
  • Knowledgebase media;
  • Attachments to self-service scenarios/repair requests submitted by customers;
  • Chat conversation attachments;
  • Attachments to tasks;
  • Avatars;
  • the Elasticsearch index;
  • Elasticsearch logging;
    3. Azure always stores multiple copies of your data so that it is protected against planned and unplanned events, including temporary hardware failures, network or energy failures, and massive natural disasters. Redundancy ensures that your storage account meets availability and sustainability goals, even in the event of failures.
    4. Data in Azure is always replicated three times in the primary region (Netherlands). Each availability zone is a separate physical location with independent power, cooling and networks. Azure offers data object durability of at least 99.9999999999% over a given year.
    5. Embrace has no influence on the features of Microsoft Azure. The features of Microsoft Azure described in the previous article paragraphs can be modified by Microsoft.

6.5 Housing: Hosting by Embrace

  1. The Embrace Housing environments are managed by True at the EUNetworks data center in Amsterdam (primary location) and Amsterdam Data Tower (backup location). All Embrace Housing servers are equipped with RAID systems for internal redundancy. Housing's servers are also accessible to the Amsterdam Exchange via redundant Gigabit routers. All Housing servers are permanently operating at 50% average capacity. This means that an average of 50% overcapacity is available to absorb peaks at any given time.
  2. Embrace strives to show a web page to the end user within three seconds at a minimum connection speed of 10 Mbit. The exception is pages where Embrace depends on the speed of third-party services or systems.

6.6 Security testing

  1. The Client has the right to have audits carried out by an independent third party who is bound by confidentiality. The Client will ensure that the independent third party signs Embrace's indemnification statement before carrying out the audit.
  2. By default, vulnerability scans run over the environments hosted by Embrace, which check for known vulnerabilities using, among other things, the OWASP top 10.

7. PRODUCT USER GROUP7.1 User meetings

‍7.1      Gebruikersbijeenkomsten

  1. User meetings take place regularly per product. These can take place physically or online. In the event of a physical meeting, it will be organized centrally in the country, so that the travel time for everyone involved is limited.
  2. On User Day, the roadmap for the coming period will be presented and we will briefly look back on the developments of the past period. In addition, there is plenty of room for interaction and knowledge sharing with other users of the products, workshops are organized on various current themes, and there is also room for technical and functional sessions.

7.2 User Group

  1. In order to keep in touch with each other, an online user group has been created. In the user group, all organizations that work with the Application are represented. In addition, Embrace employees also contribute.
  2. The purpose of this platform is:
  • Interact with other customers who work with the Application;
  • Asking questions;
  • Expressing and discussing user wishes;
  • Stay up to date with the latest developments regarding the Application.

7.3 User wishes

  1. In order to give our customers a voice in the further development of the products, development hours are made available per release. Wishes for further development can be continuously passed on and customer wishes are then included in each sprint.
  2. The release notes indicate which user wishes have been implemented.