Intranet design manual
Intranet examples, tips & tricks and roadmap for designing your social intranet
In this e-book, you'll discover the answers to questions such as:
- What are the first steps towards a social intranet?
- How do I identify the future user and how can I best support them?
- How do I decide which content and functionalities will be included on the new intranet?
- What are important technical specifications that an intranet must meet?
- What are the most common pitfalls when building a social intranet?
- What practical tips can I use for a successful implementation of the social intranet?
- How do I make the intranet a vibrant platform?
We created this book to help you develop or further roll out your social intranet. In this book, we tried to find a balance between concrete information and tips on the one hand and answers to more abstract why questions on the other. The book goes through 7 steps that we go through ourselves in processes with our customers. That's why we've included a customer interview with a screenshot of their social intranet every step of the way for further inspiration.
In these customer interviews, you can read how organizations such as the municipality of Zoetermeer, the municipality of Groningen, Omring and Rijnconsult have applied social intranet. Finally, each chapter contains a number of useful schedules and checklists that you can use concretely within your project.
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Anderen overtuigen van het implementeren van een intranet of je doelen behalen van een intranet dat al live is? Download hier eenvoudig, snel en helemaal gratis het E-book. Zo zet jij échte stappen naar een effectief intranet dat het verschil maakt.